Tinnitus: What to do? Causes of tinnitus and how to relieve symptoms

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Tinnitus is a common symptom. Sometimes it is caused by certain activities. But sometimes tinnitus is a sign of a health problem. What causes tinnitus? What causes tinnitus? How to relieve symptoms?

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition in which the ability to hear sounds worsens. Hearing severity can be divided into levels. If the hearing level is at 0-25 dB or decibels ( DECIBEL) , hearing is still normal. But if the hearing level starts at 26-40 dB , slight tinnitus will begin, making it impossible to hear whispers. If the decibels increase, it means that you will begin to not hear talking or even loud sounds , and will enter the level of deafness when it is more than 90 dB.

How to Test for Tinnitus

When hearing is reduced, sound clarity is reduced, or there is noise in the ears, these symptoms often occur suddenly. You feel the hearing disorder right away, except in some cases where tinnitus gradually increases. Tinnitus can be tested if the two ears do not hear equally, as เล่น UFABET ผ่านมือถือ สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา follows:

  • Use your fingers to gently rub the area in front of each ear hole. 
  • Note the difference in sound levels you hear.

Causes of Tinnitus

The main causes of tinnitus are divided into two main groups:

Obstruction of sound signals occurs in the outer and middle ear, such as earwax blockage, external otitis media from earwaxing, swimming can cause fluid to collect in the middle ear, and otitis media from a cold. The auditory organ in the inner ear and/or the nerve that carries sound to the brain can become abnormal, such as hearing loss from age, exposure to very loud sounds such as gunshots, explosions, as well as various diseases of the body that affect the auditory nerve, such as inner ear infections, brain diseases, anemia, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.